Alecia Pittman » Counseling Department

Counseling Department

The St. Simons Elementary school counseling department strives to provide an atmosphere that recognizes and nurtures the uniqueness of each individuals through personal/social, career and academic development. I will seek to encourage students to be independent thinkers, life-long learners and effective citizens through positive and helpful relationships with all students. I will also work with parents, teachers, mentors, community resources and volunteers to help meet student needs and provide an atmosphere that supports students learning through acceptance and growth.
Students are supported through classroom guidance, small group counseling, and individual counseling. Please see below for more information on each area of support.

Classroom Guidance is a way for the counselor to address each class in the school regarding topics that will benefit your child in and out of the classroom. The counselor visits each classroom one time per month for 45 minutes. Each activity and lesson is interactive and engaging.

Small Group Counseling is developed on an as needed basis and generally include 5-6 students. Groups will be formed through teacher, parent and administrator referrals throughout the year. Small groups are beneficial because students are able to share with one another and relate through their common situations and circumstances. 

Individual Counseling is one on one time with a student that can be short or long-term. Students may request to visit the counselor or be referred by a teacher, parent or administrator. Generally, these individual meetings are in relation to situations that inhibit the student's classroom learning. The counselor does not meet with students to administer disciplinary action, but does assist in conflict resolution to help your child return to class. Serious behavior problems or certain family issues may require more in-depth counseling with a licensed professional counselor at an outside agency. You can find this information linked below as "Resources for Glynn County Schools" or your school counselor can assist you with more information.