Paige Wilson » Classroom Information

Classroom Information

  • Remind is used for daily communication and to send quick class announcements, important upcoming assignments/events, and any other school needs. When in doubt, Use Remind!
  • Email is used for newsletters, forms, and any official business pertaining to the individual student.
  • Agendas will be used for daily comminucation much like Remind, so please feel free to write a note to me either in the Agenda or through Remind. I ask that you check them each night for homework assignments and upcoming events. Students are instructed to place notes and forms in the blue basket each morning. 4th grade is a transitional time for increased responsibility, and we ask that students begin alerting the teacher and their parents of any important notes, forms, or announcements both in the agenda and Nicky Folder.
  • Feel free to call me at 638-2851 x2321 should you have any questions or concerns. My phone will be set to 'Do Not Disturb' throughout our school day, so phone communication will typically take place outside of school hours.
  • Please feel free to reach out to me at any point if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I am looking forward to communicating with you regularly to help your student be successful.
Daily homework will be written in your student's agenda and will not be extensive. Unless we have a test or quiz to study for, homework for ELA will consist of 20 minutes of reading Monday-Thursday nights with a short writing reflection. I will provide a reading log for this reflection to be kept in the Nicky Folder. Students who turn the log in after 10 entries will get an extra 100 in the grade book! Students can earn up to 4 extra 100 grades each 9 weeks!
Behavioral Plan: This year our theme is "Building a Better SSE" - Think Legos!
  • If you are caught doing the right thing and showing the 3 R's in class: being a role model, being responsible or being respectful and kind, you receive a red ticket to put in the class jar for a drawing. Every day I pull two student tickets and Fridays I pull 3 tickets for prizes and rewards within the classroom. Some model behaviors that show the 3 Rs and are posted in our classroom are being responsible for supplies and a tidy work area, showing kindness, actively listening, following the directions, and being respectful of others and their space.
  • Additionally, students can earn PBIS reward points for the four school-wide Celebrations and monthly House Parties...(red ticket drawing is an extra bonus specific to our classroom). As a school, we will continue to have PBIS Celebrations at the end of each 9-week period. The first one is Thursday, October 5. We will also have "House Recognitions" every month, celebrating with a popscicle or the Woot Woot Wagon for the House with the most points that month.

A little about me:

I have lived in the Golden Isles for 25 years, and 10 of those years I have worked here at St. Simons Elementary!  I have a daughter named Gwyneth, who is 21 years old, and graduated from Glynn Academy.  She, too, went to St. Simons Elementary. In my spare time, I like to swim, cycle, bake, walk with my dog, Remy, and go to the beach. My husband’s name is Clay, and he also likes to bike and enjoys playing golf.  I look forward to working with you and your child this year!